Hello Chosen People of Jesus Christ!
*”For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing; but to us who are being saved it is the power of God…For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe. The Jews request a sign and the Greeks seek wisdom; but we preach Christ crucified; to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, but power of God and wisdom of God to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks”*, (1 Corinthians 1:18, 21-24).
Who could imagine that the salvation of the world will come through the cross? Who could tell the Jewish religious leaders and their master Satan that they were carrying out God’s plan for the salvation of the world by hanging the Son of God on that piece of wood?
They did not know, they could not even imagine…*”But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory”* (1 Corinthians 2:7-8).
And today we have access to free salvation, and *”if they had known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory”*, only way by which man could and would afterward be saved.
When God promised the old serpent at the fall of man that the seed of the woman will crush his head, he could not even imagine that it would be through the cross prepared by himself and his agents.
Many still ask how by just believing in someone who died on the cross we can be saved. Because the wisdom of men is foolishness to God, wisdom that could not save a single man on earth. But the cross of Christ, which is foolishness in the eyes of intellectuals and civilized people, is the wisdom and power of God for the salvation of all humanity, the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom, science and civilization of men.
The things of God are neither logical nor reasonable, we just need to believe without questioning. This is why many intellectuals have problems being saved. Their intelligence, or intellectualism and their civilization have made them rather foolish and insensitive to the spiritual things of God.
But we had the grace to believe in the foolisnessbof the cross and are saved. Someone said that the gospel is so simple that many pass by it to seek God where they can never find Him…Too simple to be true for many people.
*”Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached to save those who believe”*, (1 Corinthians 1:20-21).
But we have found him, or are found by him. He came to seek and save those who were lost and going astray, and we were of the number. Others have pushed him away, while they still grope and wander in confusion and perdition, we have found him because we let Him find us. We are already in Him, we no longer seek the way to salvation as many do, groping.
in the dark, wandering farther and farther away.
Many want to see a spectacular sign before believing, others seek to understand or decipher God by science, and they further go astray. *”The Jews ask for miracles and the Greeks seek wisdom”*, (1 Corinthians 1 : 22).
In Him we are secure, in Him we have direction. In Him we are in the way, we are in the light. In Him we have become sons of the Father, holy and unblamable. In Him we are sure of the end, we have been reconciled by His Cross and we have peace with the Father.
*”But now, in Christ Jesus, you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ…and that He might reconcile them both to God in one body through the cross, thereby putting to death the enmity”*, (Ephesians 2:13, 16).
Now that we are saved by the foolishness of the cross, now that we have peace with Him through the cross, what does He expect of us?
A heavy responsibility lies on all of us…
*”but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks b foolishness”*, (1 Corinthians 1:23).
We are called to preach this cross that has saved us. We must be foolish enough to the foolishness of the cross that got us saved. It is certainly a scandal for many, but we must preach it. They will laugh at us and smeer us; denigrate us, but it is God’s wisdom that is the only source of salvation for mankind. They may say that Jesus Christ is the ancestor of the Jews, Jesus Christ is a white man, the Bible is an imagination of the white man instrumentalized to brainwash black man and used to colonize and plunder Africa. But the cross of Christ remains the wisdom and power of God, the only source of salvation for mankind, those who want things done their own way get missing, *”For they being ignorant of God`s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God”*; (Romans 10:3).
“because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools… who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen…And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting”*, (Romans 1:21-22, 25, 28).
Despite all this, people continue to believe and convert to Christ through the preaching of the cross. Let us preach the message of the cross, for our reward is great in Heaven. The Master is coming very soon,
*””Behold, I am coming quickly! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book”…”And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last”*. Revelation 22:7, 12-13).
Let us receive the grace to bring others to the feet of the cross like us.
Be blessed in the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen!
*[Apostle Tatang D.H.R./LINAMI WORLDWIDE. 679716290*]*


1 Jean 3:1-3
[1]Voyez quel amour le Père nous a témoigné, pour que nous soyons appelés enfants de Dieu! Et nous le sommes. Si le monde ne nous connaît pas, c’est qu’il ne l’a pas connu.
[2]Bien-aimés, nous sommes maintenant enfants de Dieu, et ce que nous serons n’a pas encore été manifesté; mais nous savons que, lorsque cela sera manifesté, nous serons semblables à lui, parce que nous le verrons tel qu’il est.
[3]Quiconque a cette espérance en lui se purifie, comme lui-même est pur.

Méditons sur l’amour de Dieu ce matin.
Dieu nous a tant aimé qu’Il a envoyé Son Fils unique dans la chair humaine afin de faire des humains des êtres divins. Christ est devenu homme pour qu’en croyant en Lui je devienne dieu.
L’expression “Fils de Dieu” veut en effet dire, “Dieu dans la chair”.
Donc “Enfant de Dieu” veut dire, “de la même nature que Dieu”, ou encore “bébé dieu”.
Dieu dans Son amour a fait de nous des dieux sur terre pour être la solution du monde.
Malheureusement, nous sommes devenus la cible du diable, qui lui aussi ne cesse de multiplier ses “diables et diablesses” partout pour rendre la vie un enfer sur terre pour ceux qui ne veulent entrer en alliance avec lui. Ils s’emparent du pouvoir gouvernemental, politique, économique, pharmaceutique, médiatique, etc. Leur cible principale c’est l’église, qui est le rassemblement des dieux dans la chair.
De même qu’il y a la communauté des dieux sur terre, il y en a aussi des diables dans la chair. Malheureusement, beaucoup de personnes préfèrent se fier à eux, et plutôt condamner les enfants de Dieu qui pourtant sont la solution et la lumière du monde.
“C’est par là que se font reconnaître les enfants de Dieu et les enfants du diable. Quiconque ne pratique pas la justice n’est pas de Dieu, non plus que celui qui n’aime pas son frère”, 1 Jean 3:10.
Écoutez-moi bien, quiconque veut l’entendre, l’église de Jésus-Christ n’est pas le problème de la société comme beaucoup le voient. Nous sommes là pour réparer les dommages causés par le diable et ses agents qui rodent autour de vous et paraissent comme des Messie.
L’église dite de réveil ou Pentecôtiste n’est pas la folie, c’est pas une secte comme on vous a trompé. C’est le Mont Sion où le salut et la délivrance vous attendent. Le diable est enragé contre nous et tourne les médias et le gouvernement contre nous parce que nous sommes un obstacle à Son agenda sur terre.
Sachez que dans les jours à venir, la persécution contre l’église et les serviteurs de Dieu va s’accentuer parce que nous avons par nos enseignements et prières frustré tout leur agenda qu’ils espéraient accomplir à travers le Covid-19. Mais nous sommes plus que vainqueurs en Christ et par Christ.
C’est une joie d’être enfant de Dieu, c’est la meilleure chose sur terre. Alors, ne jouez pas avec votre foi et votre salut.
Nous sommes maintenant enfant de Dieu. O gloire à Dieu. Si tu n’es pas encore enfant de Dieu, aujourd’hui c’est tour. Viens à Jésus-Christ.

Pour recevoir le pardon de vos péchés et devenir enfant de Dieu, priez cette prière de salut avec foi dans votre cœur :
“Cher Père Céleste, je viens à toi aujourd’hui par le sang de Jésus-Christ, je reconnais mes péchés et ma fragilité humaine. Je crois que Jésus-Christ est le Fils de Dieu et qu’il est mort et ressuscité d’entre les morts, et est monté au Ciel physiquement, et revient bientôt.
Cher Seigneur Jésus, je crois de tout mon cœur que Dieu t’a ressuscité des morts, et je te confesse de ma bouche que tu es mon seul Seigneur et Sauveur personnel au Nom de Jésus. Je reçois ton Esprit dans mon cœur et je confesse, je suis né de nouveau, je suis une nouvelle créature, je suis un enfant de Dieu, né de ton Esprit et lavé par ton sang au Nom de Jésus-Christ. Amen. Merci cher Seigneur de m’avoir sauvé. Amen.”

Si vous avez vraiment fait cette prière, sachez sans aucun doute que vous êtes maintenant un enfant de Dieu. Maintenant, vous avez besoin d’être nourri, formé et discipoler pour mieux connaître Dieu et le servir efficacement, et pour découvrir et revendiquer votre droit en Christ.
Pour des conseils, des questions, des prières et une formation de disciple, appelez-nous, envoyez-nous un SMS ou WhatsApp :

[+237 679716290/]
Nous vous aimons, vous nous êtes très précieux et vous êtes devenu notre responsabilité, nous aimerions avoir de vos nouvelles bientôt. Shalom !